- F.G., H. Goulet-Ouellet, J. Leroy, P. Stas, Stability properties for subgroups generated by return words (2024)
- F.G., H. Goulet-Ouellet, J. Leroy, P. Stas, Algebraic characterization of dendricity (2024)
- P. Béaur, F.G., B. Hellouin de Menibus, String attractors and bi-infinite words (2024)
Peer-Reviewed Journals
- F.G., J. Leroy, S-adic characterization of minimal dendric shifts, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 22(7) (2025)
- F.G., G. Romana, M. Stipulanti, String attractors of some simple-Parry automatic sequences, Theory of Computing Systems, 68(6), 1601-1621 (2024)
- J. Cassaigne, F.G., A. Restivo, G. Romana, M. Sciortino, M. Stipulanti, New string attractor-based complexities for infinite words, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A, 208 (2024)
- F.G., Some properties of morphic images of (eventually) dendric words, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 202(2), 335-351 (2023)
- F.G., M. Lejeune, J. Leroy, S-adic characterization of minimal ternary dendric shifts, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 42(11), 3393-3432 (2022)
Proceedings of International Conferences
- F.G., G. Romana, M. Stipulanti, String attractors of fixed points of k-bonacci-like morphisms, WORDS 2023, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13899, 192-205 (2023)
- F.G., A study of dendricity through the lens of morphisms, PhD thesis, University of Liège (2023)
- F.G., Mots dendriques et leurs propriétés, Master thesis (in French), University of Liège (2020)