France Gheeraert

Talks and conferences

Talks in international conferences and seminars

  1. Algebraic characterization of dendricity, Dyadisc 7, Amiens (France), December 2024, Invited talk
  2. How extensions impact the factor complexity of morphic images, Combinatorics on words week of the Thematic month on Discrete Mathematics and Computer Science, Marseille (France), February 2024
  3. Some known results and open questions about eventually dendric shift spaces, Dyadisc 6, Amiens (France), July 2023, Invited talk
  4. String attractors of fixed points of k-bonacci-like morphisms, WORDS 2023, Umeå (Sweden), June 2023
  5. Numeration systems and string attractors, Numeration 2023, Liège (Belgium), May 2023
  6. Morphic images of (eventually) dendric words, 18th Mons Theoretical Computer Science Days, Prague (Czech Republic), Septembre 2022
  7. S-adic characterization of minimal dendric shifts: an example, Dyadisc 5, Liège (Belgium), June 2022, Invited talk
  8. S-adic characterization of dendric languages: ternary case, One World Combinatorics on Words Seminar, online, October 2021

Talks in national conferences and local seminars

  1. Des sous-shifts Sturmiens aux sous-shifts dendriques (in French), Groupe de Travail de Probabilités et Systèmes dynamiques, Rouen (France), December 2024, Invited talk
  2. String attractors de préfixes de mots infinis (in French), Journées SDA2 2024, Orléans (France), May 2024
  3. Survol de la dendricité et de l'ultime dendricité (in French), Séminaire Rauzy, Marseille (France), April 2024, Invited talk
  4. Dendricité : quand les mots rencontrent les graphes (in French), Journée Amiens-Calais de dynamique et probabilités, Calais (France), March 2024, Invited talk
  5. A study of dendricity through the lens of morphisms (in French), Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Liège (Belgium), December 2023
  6. Dendric words and morphisms, Seminar of the Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Palermo (Italy), March 2023
  7. A different family of graphs to characterize dendric shift spaces (in French), Rencontre IZES 2022, Bordeaux (France), November 2022
  8. Dendric words and strongly left proper morphisms, Séminaire du GT Combinatoire et Interactions, Bordeaux (France), May 2022
  9. Dendric preserving morphisms, PhD Seminar of the UR Mathematics, Liège (Belgium), April 2022
  10. S-adic characterization of dendric languages: ternary case, Journées SDA2 2021, Caen (France), November 2021
  11. Caractérisation S-adique des dendriques (in French), Discrete Mathematics Seminar, Liège (Belgium), May 2021
  12. Caractérisation S-adique des sous-shifts dendriques ternaires (in French), PhD Seminar of the UR Mathematics, Liège (Belgium), November 2020


  1. Sturmian and dendric words, Journées nationales du GDR IM 2023, Paris (France), April 2023
  2. S-adic characterization of dendric shift spaces, Dyadisc 4, Amiens (France), July 2021

Other attended conferences

  1. Numeration 2024, Utrecht (Netherlands), June 2024
  2. Developments in Language Theory 2023, Umeå (Sweden), June 2023
  3. Journées de combinatoire de Bordeaux 2023, Bordeaux (France), January-February 2023
  4. Journées SDA2 2022, Liège (Belgium), June 2022
  5. Journées de combinatoire de Bordeaux 2022, Bordeaux (France), June 2022
  6. Developments in Language Theory 2022, Tampa, Florida (USA), May 2022
  7. WORDS 2021, Rouen (France), September 2021
  8. Algebraic and Combinatorial Invariants of Subshifts and Tilings, Marseille (France), January 2021
  9. Journées SDA2 2020, Caen (France), December 2020